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BLONDE ambition...

BLONDE ambition...

So first she broke the Internet with her derrière display and now she has done it again but this time it’s stepping out as a dazzling Platinum Blonde… yes you’ve guessed it were talking Kim Kardashian West’s latest transformation into a blonde…

Whether you love it or hate it Kim endured a mammoth 9 hour colouring session from a top Parisan colourist and showcased her locks in time for Paris fashion week. Kim who is a natural brunette has adopted this years emerging trend for platinum, ice white hair. Blonde has always been iconic and we only have to take inspiration from Marilyn Monroe, Madonna or Pamela Anderson to realise being blonde is an instant statement, powerful, sexy and strong, so ultimately Kim not only wanted to buck the trend for this new hue but to take fearless blades to another level…

With Kim leading a new trend, we will all be experimenting with blonde hair this year, but always trust the professionals when it comes to creating this years hottest colour… Lightening hair can be a tricky business and it requires lots expert colour knowledge from your colourist. The condition of the hair may become weaker, so a good aftercare regime is essential and colour maintenance will be required every four weeks to banish roots and ensure a uniformed tone throughout…

So if your ready for a 2015 Blondeover then en-trust the colourists knowledge and prepare for the commitment of being a blonde, and whether you need an ashy, ice tone or a warmer nude blonde (depending on skin tone, eye colour, clothes and the existing colour on the hair) embrace The Blonde Ambition…
Will Eagles
Artistic Director
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