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Ready for a 'flave'...

Ready for a 'flave'...

Ready for a 'flave'...

Wondering what the first hair trend of 2015 will be? We’ll wonder no more: just last week, Beyoncė showed off fashions favourite new hairstyle “The Flat Wave” (also known as the flave) this is 2015’s answer to the no-blow dry, blow dry!!

It’s the wave for women who don’t want the ‘perfect done’ curl or wave of last year and it’s the 2015 texture without the volume, body and bouff… It’s gritty and cool and the look is best described as hair that looks like it’s been braided overnight. Creating the Flave is quick and easy for every hair length and texture and to get the look all you need is a pair of trusty straightening irons!!!

They are the only heated appliance that will give you these kinks and all you need to do is on clean dry hair, keeping the irons straight, feed different sized sections of hair through the irons bending the hair to the left and then to the right- clamping the irons to your hair with every turn to create the 2015 kinks. Go one way then bend another, repeat all through the hair, leave to cool and soft brush through with your fingers. Add a quick mist of Schwarzkopf Volume up texture spray for some added texture or opt for Schwarkzopf Sparkler shine spray for a touch of evening luxe…

So embrace this new trend and expect to see a wave of flaves on the red carpet this awards season….

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